It’s not all Jam and Jerusalem …

Do you know anything about the Women’s Institute – the good old WI?  Well, in September this year the WI will be celebrating 100 years in the UK as the country’s first WI was formed in Llanfair, Anglesey on 16 September 1915 and there is a special exhibition at The Forum in Norwich 14th –

Vote for local food!

Being a working farm, we at Dairy Barns would like to ask you to join in the 15th annual BBC Food & Farming Awards that celebrate the best of British food and those who grow, make and supply it and you can nominate your favourites – from Best Food Market, Best Street Food or Takeaway,


We’re looking forward to Pancake Day on 17th February. We love them with chocolate spread and banana! You’d be amazed at just how quickly those pancakes seem to disappear, leaving all those empty plates waiting to be washed up.  Did you know that pancake day, also known as Shrove Tuesday is celebrated in many countries

Big Garden Birdwatch

Will you be taking part in the RSPB’s Big Garden Birdwatch over the weekend of 24th/25th January 2015? Since 1979 the RSPB have been encouraging all of us to spend just an hour watching and recording which birds visit our gardens.  This annual survey helps to monitor how some of our well-known and well-loved garden