Time to celebrate women’s achievements worldwide

8th March is International Women’s Day – a day when we celebrate the achievements of women worldwide.  There are so many inspirational women around the world, both past and present – Norfolk’s very own Edith Cavell is perhaps one of the first that comes to mind. It has been observed for over 100 years and

National Nest Box Week

National Nest Box Week 14-21 February 2015 Did you know that this week is National Nest Box Week when our bird population start thinking about where to start raising their family? We’re very lucky to see so many different species of birds here around the Farm and we’ve recently been busy putting up even more

We love Cow Parsley …

You may have noticed that the Dairy Barns “emblem” is an image of Cow Parsley which features on our website and our leaflet.  Many people may think of Cow Parsley as just a roadside weed but we think it is beautiful and this native perennial herb is one of the first signs of Spring popping