Best places to see seals in Norfolk

Here in Britain, we’re lucky that nearly half the world’s population of grey seals are found around our coastline. Every winter, hundreds of female grey seals return to the Norfolk coastline to give birth and provide a wonderful sight that locals and visitors enjoy. Grey seals are larger than Common seals and have long, pointed

The charm of a working farm

Dairy Barns form part of Lound Farm and the family farming business, which has been in the family for three generations. Our lovely Barn & the B&B room were originally our working dairy farm, with over 100 Cows being milked in what is now our beautifully renovated bedrooms, and many calves were born in what

Get festive this December

We are very excited to say for the first time we will be open throughout Christmas and New Year and would love to welcome you to stay with us whether you’re staying in one of our B&B rooms or hired out our cottages. To help make your December or Christmas stay with us extra special,