
Local Places to Eat

All of the places below are within a 5 – 10 minute drive from here Everyone’s taste is different so take a look at the websites and see what you think, there are other pubs and restaurants in easy distance but these are guests favourites.  If you want a recommendation from me my favourite for a

Christmas Flower Design Workshops at Dairy Barns

    CHRISTMAS FLOWER WORKSHOPS Its that time of year again and we would love to welcome you to our warm and cosy barn this Christmas time to have some festive fun with flowers. All refreshments including coffee, tea and homemade cakes, along with a delicious 2 course lunch will be provided. The days will

Autumn at Dairy Barns

We are having the most wonderful weather with guests enjoying walks on the beach and cycle rides aroud the lanes this week.  Everything is so much quieter than the summer yet so beautiful with the misty mornings and the large flocks of pink foot geese flying overhead.  The farming year continues as ever with all

Bike Ride to Hickling Nature Reserve

I decided to get my bike out today (in a never ending attempt to get fit!) and cycled to nearby Hickling Nature Reserve.  It took me around 25 minutes and is probably about 3.5 miles from the Dairy Barns.  It was worth the ride as I had a lovely walk around the boardwalks and a boat

The Summer Holidays are Nearly Here

I for one love the summer holidays with no school to worry about, looking for lost PE kits or missing homework!  We already have week one planned with a trip to Bewilderwood, Crabbing off Cromer Pier and days on Sea Palling Beach, I expect my house will be full of sand! Got to love sunny

The sun is shining let’s make hay!

Great news here on the farm in Hickling we are busy making bales of hay and haylage (see the pic above recently taken), its all happening in the field opposite the Dairy Barns and next to our holiday cottage, Cowmans Cottage. We have had a very excited little boy staying in the cottage this week loving

We’re proud to be part of Farm Stay UK

It is because of our affiliation with Farm Stay UK that we are featured in this month’s (June) British Farmer and Grower Magazine. Whilst this magazine may not be your usual mainstream magazine of choice – we are super pleased that they are profiling rural businesses like us who have diversified our farm offering. We

Red Deer and more on the farm

I couldn’t believe my eyes today when I went out for a ride on Frankie we met 20 female red deer who all stood and stared at us only about 10 metres away and luckily for me my horse just stood and stared back before they all ran off to the woods behind the farm.  If

RSPB Bird Survey at Dairy Barns, Lound Farm

We participated in a schemeover the past 12 months known as the RSPB Volunteer and Farm Alliance where volunteers from the RSPB come and survey our farm for bird species.  Overall 44 species of bird were identifed on the farm with 7 of them being of high conservation concern and 16 of medium conservation concern. Some on

Dairy Barns on Camera

Ian and I had great fun today with Colin the Camera Man from Green Traveller.  They are in the Broads area creating videos of tourism businesses with green credentials.  He arrived straight after we had served 18 breakfasts so any attempt I had made earlier to do my hair and look good for the camera