We love Cow Parsley …

You may have noticed that the Dairy Barns “emblem” is an image of Cow Parsley which features on our website and our leaflet.  Many people may think of Cow Parsley as just a roadside weed but we think it is beautiful and this native perennial herb is one of the first signs of Spring popping up almost anywhere from early April, growing up to more than a metre high and topped with “umbrellas” of pretty white flowers.   We certainly find plenty of it growing in the lovely countryside around the Farm and look forward to seeing those dazzling white flower heads bobbing in the breeze.  In fact, we love it so much that we even have Cow Parsley wallpaper in the Farmhouse and a stunning sculpture in the Garden.  We even cut some and sprayed it gold at Christmas which made fabulous decorations in the house and will certainly be doing so again this year.


What “weeds” do you think are worthy of a place in a vase in your home?