I for one love the summer holidays with no school to worry about, looking for lost PE kits or missing homework! We already have week one planned with a trip to Bewilderwood, Crabbing off Cromer Pier and days on Sea Palling Beach, I expect my house will be full of sand! Got to love sunny
The sun is shining let’s make hay!
Great news here on the farm in Hickling we are busy making bales of hay and haylage (see the pic above recently taken), its all happening in the field opposite the Dairy Barns and next to our holiday cottage, Cowmans Cottage. We have had a very excited little boy staying in the cottage this week loving
We’re proud to be part of Farm Stay UK
It is because of our affiliation with Farm Stay UK that we are featured in this month’s (June) British Farmer and Grower Magazine. Whilst this magazine may not be your usual mainstream magazine of choice – we are super pleased that they are profiling rural businesses like us who have diversified our farm offering. We
We’re featured in the fab local magazine – Norfolk on my Mind
Take a look at page 41 of this month’s Norfolk on my Mind Magazine there is a great full page feature on Dairy Barns – http://www.norfolkonmymind.co.uk/latestissue.html. Better still – donwload the page here! Chuffed to bits!
Red Deer and more on the farm
I couldn’t believe my eyes today when I went out for a ride on Frankie we met 20 female red deer who all stood and stared at us only about 10 metres away and luckily for me my horse just stood and stared back before they all ran off to the woods behind the farm. If
RSPB Bird Survey at Dairy Barns, Lound Farm
We participated in a schemeover the past 12 months known as the RSPB Volunteer and Farm Alliance where volunteers from the RSPB come and survey our farm for bird species. Overall 44 species of bird were identifed on the farm with 7 of them being of high conservation concern and 16 of medium conservation concern. Some on
Dairy Barns on Camera
Ian and I had great fun today with Colin the Camera Man from Green Traveller. They are in the Broads area creating videos of tourism businesses with green credentials. He arrived straight after we had served 18 breakfasts so any attempt I had made earlier to do my hair and look good for the camera
The Dairy Barns Poem, written by 2 of our lovely guests
Hannah greets us with a smile For sure its what we’ll see She welcomes us with delicious scones And a lovely cup of tea We’re taken to our room It’s lovely fresh and clean everythings’ nice with a comfy bed And all is good and never mean The dining room in the morning All flowers
The sun has got its hat on…..hip hip, hip hip hooray
Yeah, the sun is shining. It is still a little chilly, but real sunshine and blue skies here at Dairy Barns! We’ve escaped most of the really bad weather here in Norfolk – don’t get me wrong, we have had our fair share just not as bad as other parts of the country. Pleased to
I wandered lonely as a cloud, that floats on high o’er vales and hills….
When all at once I saw a crowd A host of dancing Daffodils; Along the Lake, beneath the trees, Ten thousand dancing in the breeze. The waves beside them danced, but they Outdid the sparkling waves in glee:- A Poet could not but be gay In such a laughing company: I gazed – and gazed
Welcome to the Dairy Barns BLOG….
And here it is – our first proper BLOG. We hope to share with you a whole range of musings, observations, Dairy Barns news and the odd funny story thrown in for good measure. But before we get too carried away, we thought we should do some desk research into what a BLOG actually is….